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Notable Human Films is evolving!

For years we have patiently curated a still-growing list of original stories, and have prepared ourselves to tell them by exploring the world, honing our craft, enriching our minds, and learning from all kinds of innovators, change-makers and creatives. Now the time has come to build Notable Human Films into something new and vital: a hub for exuberant, inquisitive, and daring creatives to tell revelatory stories that contribute to human thriving.

Each of our projects-in-development bear the Notable Human thumbprint, which we call dialectical storytelling. As dialectical storytellers, we approach our subject-matter with the intent to remove the wool of familiarity from our eyes, and journey through its mysteries and complexities with fresh awe. By turning the creative process inward on the transformative act of inquiry itself, we’ll illustrate an elevated form of cultural conversation based in openness, humility and discovery. 

What happens when we merge this process with a devotion to rigorous learning and a reverence for masterful, resonant storytelling? We create emotionally and intellectually transformative stories that can foster a healthier culture, one that is capable of productively engaging with modern and timeless questions.

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